MAKÜ students will keep traditional ortaoyunu and performing arts alive during the month of Ramadan.

Yayın Tarihi | 26 February 2025, Wednesday

Our university's Turkish Folk Science Application and Research Center is signing an important project to keep our traditional cultural heritage alive. During the month of Ramadan, traditional performing arts will be staged at Taş Oda Mansion on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. Traditions such as Karagöz-Hacivat plays, village theatrical plays, and meddah performances, which are on the verge of being forgotten, will meet the audience again. Guests who have their iftar meals at Taş Oda Gastronomy Kitchen will have the opportunity to watch the events organized at the mansion afterward.


Director of the Turkish Folk Science Application and Research Center, Dr. Lecturer Hakan Acar, made statements about the ortaoyunu and other events to be held.


Dr. Lecturer Acar stated that Burdur Taş Oda Mansion has been transformed into a 'Living Heritage Museum' this year; “Various rooms of the mansion have been arranged with different themes, creating sections such as a folk medicine room, music room, bridal room, and folk kitchen. Additionally, the large hall has been turned into an area where traditional performing arts are exhibited. Previously, dishes belonging to the Burdur cuisine were offered to guests at the mansion as part of the university's gastronomy kitchen project, and now traditional performing arts can also be watched.


In this context, we are ensuring the sustainability of the events by conducting a workshop with the students of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of Turkish Language and Literature. The events we held in the first term will continue in the second term. Various shows will be presented throughout the month of Ramadan. During the month of Ramadan, traditional performing arts will be staged at Taş Oda Mansion on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings. We will present to the entire Burdur public the traditions that are on the verge of being forgotten, such as Karagöz-Hacivat plays, village theatrical plays, and meddah performances,” he said.


Dr. Lecturer Acar invited Burdur citizens and guests coming to Burdur to these cultural events, saying, “They can remember our old traditions again with all family members and loved ones.”