Mehmet Akif Ersoy University in Burdur has achieved a great success in the national arena by certifying its quality standard. At the "YÖKAK International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Conference" attended by the university management and the accompanying Quality Coordination, Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar received the 5-year accreditation certificate on behalf of MAKÜ from the President of the Higher Education Council Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and YÖKAK President Prof. Dr. Ümit Kocabıçak.
This success, which is a reflection of the quality-focused approach and continuous improvement efforts that the university has demonstrated in recent years, is of great importance for universities, as emphasized by the President of YÖK Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar in his opening speech at the conference. Özvar also stated the following details in his speech: “As a concrete result of our quality-focused approach in higher education and our understanding of encouraging accreditation processes, last month we shared the new conditions we set for the opening of new graduate programs and the continuation of existing programs with our universities and the public. Here, the introduction of "accreditation" and "qualified publication" conditions has emerged as new and important steps. I would like to share with you that we will take new steps prioritizing quality and make regulations. With the new regulations we will implement, we aim for the components of higher education in our country to play a more effective role in our economic development and for our universities to be among the institutions that set standards on a global scale in education, scientific research, and cultural and social responsibility areas. Quality assurance systems, like in other sectors, are a process that requires constant updates against time in the field of higher education, so it is quite natural to expect these systems to change over time. It is an important duty for all parties responsible for quality to closely follow the changes related to quality processes and participate in discussions.”
The accreditation given by YÖKAK includes important elements such as ensuring quality assurance, facilitating credit and degree transfer, and ensuring accountability and transparency. MAKÜ has certified its quality on a national scale by providing these quality standards and increasing its institutional respectability.
After the conference, Rector Dalgar, following the full accreditation success, congratulated all the staff who contributed to this process, stating that they will further enhance the quality standards of the university at the national and international level by internalizing them.
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