Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Top Ranked with its Performance in the Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Program
Yayın Tarihi | 16 August 2024, Friday
May 10, 2024, Bitlis - The Evaluation Meeting of the Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Program was held under the chairmanship of the President of the Higher Education Council (YÖK) Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, hosted by Bitlis Eren University. Our Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin DALGAR and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Hakan ÖNER attended the meeting.
Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar, in his statement at the meeting, stated that as the Higher Education Council, they successfully carried out the Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Project with 25 universities selected from all over Turkey, in line with the goals of increasing diversity and internationalization in higher education, and after the 11th Development Plan, it was also included in the state's top policy document with the phrase 'Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Project' published in the Official Gazette dated November 1, 2023 in the 682.5 numbered notification of the 12th Development Plan. Prof. Dr. Özvar emphasized that this project is a strategic initiative aimed at maximizing the regional potentials of universities in line with Turkey's development goals. He also stated that the international quality publications produced from the projects are very important, they are following this, and said, “A competition based on ethical values will increase the productivity and effectiveness of our universities, in this regard, our universities should develop their competitive advantages”. Prof. Dr. Özvar, who stated that he cares about international university rankings, reminded the goals of the first 100 and first 500 of the universities in Turkey.
At the Regional Development Oriented Mission Differentiation and Specialization Meeting, the studies of the 25 universities included in the program were evaluated. At this meeting, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University ranked at the top among all specialization universities in terms of performance according to the evaluations made by the Higher Education Council.
After the meeting, the President of the Higher Education Council Prof. Dr. Erol Özvar and other participants discussed the steps to be taken to further strengthen our university's regional and international interaction.
In his evaluations after the meeting, Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar expressed his happiness for being at the top in many performance criteria among universities with regional development mission, and thanked the academics who contributed to this success. He stated that they will continue to contribute to the internationalization policy of the Higher Education Council and the country's academic brand with regional development studies.
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