With the start of the 2024-2025 Academic Year at Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University, Academic Board Meetings have also begun to be organized. In this context, the first Academic Board Meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture was held with the participation of Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar and Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Oğuz Gürsoy.
At the meeting, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences Prof. Dr. Sevilay Özer and Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture Prof. Dr. Ahmet Uyumaz gave presentations about their faculties, providing information on academic staff, student numbers, departments and programs, projects, and ongoing works. Additionally, the opinions and requests of the academic staff were also heard.
In his speech, Rector Dalgar talked about the university's future strategies, stating that they have been continuing their work within the framework of the Policy Document they have put forward since taking office. Emphasizing that they are trying to make education, research, and management processes more effective by focusing on applied education and digital technologies, Dalgar noted that they have also taken significant steps in the field of internationalization. In this context, he mentioned that they have doubled the number of partner universities and countries within a year under the Erasmus programs.
In his speech, Dalgar expressed the following; "Our aim is to offer more country and university options to our students and academics. The areas of expertise of our professors should not be limited to the borders of Burdur or Turkey. We now have an academically integrated structure with the world, and access to universal knowledge is the most important step for societal contribution. As scientists, we have responsibilities not only to society but also to humanity. Working in academia should exist not just for individual interests but to serve society. We must carry this responsibility forward together."
Rector Dalgar shared the university's vision with the academic staff and provided information about the projects to be implemented in the upcoming period.
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