2024 YKS Additional Registration Announcement

Yayın Tarihi | 20 September 2024, Friday

Dear Student,

Welcome to our university. We congratulate you for choosing our university for your higher education and wish you continued success.


Students who are eligible to enroll in our university according to the 2024 YKS Additional Placement results can register electronically with their e-Devlet passwords or, if they wish, they can come to our university and complete the registration process in person.



Electronic Registrations: 25-27 September 2024 will be done by logging in with e-Devlet passwords at www.turkiye.gov.tr and completing the registration process from the Higher Education Council section.


In-Person Registrations: 25-30 September 2024can be completed by coming to our University in person.


No documents will be requested from our students who complete their registration through e-Devlet.



Courses at our university started on 16 September 2024. After your registration process, please apply to the student affairs of the unit you are registered in to register for courses. You can attend classes after the course registration process.

Click for Academic Calendar




  1. Original of the T.C. Identity card (Must be carried by the candidate.) 
  2. Original or certified copy of the diploma received from the secondary education institution the candidate graduated from or a new dated graduation certificate
  3. If the candidate has been placed by benefiting from additional points but the field is not specified on the diploma or graduation certificate, an official document showing which school and field they graduated from (For graduates of METEM programs, the name of the center issuing the diploma is written as the school name on the diploma.)
  4. 4 photographs sized 4.5 cm x 6 cm




  1. Candidates must apply in person for registration (except for electronic registration). Registration by mail is not accepted.
  2. Uncertified copies or photocopies of the required documents are not accepted.
  3. If the documents are incomplete, registration will not be done.
  4. Candidates who do not register within the specified dates cannot claim any rights.
  5. Higher education institutions may request a health board report from candidates who will register if it is stated in the program's conditions and explanations. If it is not stated in the program's conditions and explanations, a health board report cannot be requested.
  6. Universities are authorized to take necessary legal actions against candidates who register by making false statements.


Since you cannot be registered in two associate degree or two undergraduate programs simultaneously, candidates in this situation must terminate their enrollment in the program they are currently registered in to enroll in the program they have been admitted to.  


Candidates who enroll in programs with a compulsory foreign language (English) preparatory class should follow the announcements on the web page of our University's School of Foreign Languages regarding the Foreign Language Placement Exam and the Foreign Language Exemption Exam. https://ydyo.mehmetakif.edu.tr/


Candidates who have gained the right to enroll in a higher education program but are in the graduation phase in secondary education institutions, associate degree programs, or undergraduate programs and will take an internship, make-up, or single course exam will also be temporarily registered in higher education institutions on the specified dates. If these candidates submit their graduation documents to the higher education institution by 31 December 2024, the candidates who have been placed in a higher education institution from Open Education High Schools will have their final registration done if they submit their graduation documents to the higher education institution by 31 January 2025. Temporary registrations of those who do not document their graduation by this date will be deleted, and candidates who do not make their temporary registrations within the specified dates will not be registered.


For detailed information about KYK dorms, you need to apply to the Higher Education Credit and Dormitories Institution Directorate. Click for Burdur Youth and Sports Provincial Directorate. https://burdur.gsb.gov.tr/Sayfalar/1965/-1/iletisim




To be applied for candidates who fall under one of the following clauses;

 a) Those who have lost their right to defer their military service according to the provisions of the Military Recruitment Law No. 7179 and the principle orders published by the Ministry of National Defense on this matter,

 b) Those who have completed a two or three-year higher education program and want to enter another higher education program of less than four years and have not completed their military service (Candidates who have graduated from a two or three-year higher education program and have not completed their military service can apply for the 2024-YKS to enter a higher education program of four years or more.),

 c) Those who have completed a higher education program of four years or more and have not completed their military service,

If these candidates are placed in any higher education program as a result of the 2024-YKS, their registrations will be done. However, if the military service of these candidates has been deferred, they will be able to continue their education in the program they have gained the right to enroll in until the end of their deferment period. If the deferment period ends, their registrations will be frozen as they lose their right to defer military service, and they will be able to continue their education after completing their military service.

For detailed information, please contact the unit you are registered in. Contact addresses are attached to the announcement.

Unit NameUnit E-MAIL
Ağlasun MYOaglasunmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Altınyayla Mehmet Tuğrul Güvenlik Hizmetleri MYOmtmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak Emin Gülmez MYOegmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak Hikmet Tolunay MYObucakmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak İşletme Fakültesibucakif@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak Sağlık Yüksekokulubucaksyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak Bilgisayar ve Bilişim Fakültesibbbf@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Bucak Zeliha Tolunay Uyg. Tek. ve İşl. YO.ztyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Burdur Gıda Tarım ve Hayvancılık MYOgthmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Burdur Sağlık Hizmetleri MYOburdurshmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Çavdır MYOcavdirmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Diş Hekimliği Fakültesidishekimligi@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Eğitim Fakültesi



Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesifef@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Gölhisar MYOgolhisarmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Gölhisar Sağlık Hiz. MYOgolhisarshmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Gölhisar Uygulamalı Bil. YOgubyo@ mehmetakif.edu.tr
İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesiiibf@mehmetakif.edu.tr
İlahiyat Fakültesiilahiyat@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Mühendislik- Mimarlık Fakültesimmf@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesisbf@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesistf@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Sosyal Bilimler MYOsbmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Spor Bilimleri Fakültesisporbilimleri@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Tefenni MYOtefennimyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Teknik Bilimler MYOtbmyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Turizm Fakültesiturizm@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Türk Müziği Devlet Konservatuvarıtmdk@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Veteriner Fakültesiveteriner@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Yabancı Diller Yüksekokuluydyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr
Yeşilova İsmail Akın Turizm MYOyesilovamyo@mehmetakif.edu.tr