2024 Promotion and Title Change Exam Application Evaluation Results

Yayın Tarihi | 25 June 2024, Tuesday

In accordance with the Regulation on Promotion and Title Change of Personnel of Higher Education Institutions and Higher Education Institutions, the application documents of the candidates who applied for the Central Written Exam for Promotion and Title Change to be held by the Higher Education Council Presidency in 2024 have been examined by the Promotion and Title Change Exam Board, and as a result of the examination and evaluation, the lists of candidates who are eligible to take the exam and those who do not meet the conditions are given below.


According to the decision of the Central Examination Board of the Higher Education Council Presidency, the objections of the candidates who applied for the exam to the announced lists,   (between 01.07.2024 – 05.07.2024) must be made to the General Secretariat Document Registration Office by petition.


No additional notification will be made to the relevant parties in accordance with the provisions of the regulation.


For Promotion Exam Application Results, click here (Computer Operator)

For Promotion Exam Application Results, click here (Chief)

For Title Change Exam Application Results, click here 


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