Rector Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Dalgar's Eid al-Adha Message

Yayın Tarihi | 15 June 2024, Saturday

We are experiencing the peace and happiness of reaching the blessed Eid al-Adha. This exceptional day is a period in which we perform our worship with piety and sincere intention, and we experience our feelings of brotherhood and solidarity at the highest level.


Festivals are blessed days when broken hearts are repaired, resentments are forgotten, love and tolerance are reinforced, and we have the opportunity to keep our national and spiritual values alive. Eid al-Adha reminds us of the importance of unity and solidarity with its spiritual depth. Our nation, which has been together with the feeling of mutual aid and solidarity throughout our glorious history, is also united with the same feelings on this holiday.


However, we are aware that we cannot celebrate a real holiday as a ummah until the genocide in Gaza ends. The oppression experienced is a common wound of all humanity.


May our Lord; 
End the suffering of our brothers in Gaza, grant the freedom of the Palestinian people. 
Grant all Muslims the fortitude, piety, courage, and patience of Gazans. 
Grant all Muslims to be one and together, and the formation of a common feeling in minds and hearts.


I hope that the blessed Eid al-Adha will contribute to the unity and solidarity of the ummah, and the strengthening of feelings of brotherhood and solidarity. With these feelings and thoughts; I sincerely celebrate the Eid al-Adha of our students, academic and administrative staff, and all the Islamic world, and wish many more healthy and happy holidays.