Our Native Cattle Breeds: Genetic Codes of Our Cultural Heritage
Turkey, with its deep-rooted history in livestock, hosts significant research on the genetic diversity and population structure of native cattle breeds. These studies offer new approaches to the preservation of native breeds.
Hidden Treasures: Native Cattle Breeds
Native cattle breeds grown in different regions of our country stand out with their resilience against harsh climate conditions and diseases. Six different native breeds such as Native Black, Eastern Anatolian Red, Native Southern Yellow, Southern Anatolian Red, Grey Breed, and Zavot represent both our genetic heritage and the sustainability in the livestock sector. However, the spread of commercial cattle breeds is causing serious declines in the numbers of these valuable breeds.
Genetic Map: Next Generation Research
In recent studies, 160 cattle blood samples collected from various provinces of Turkey were analyzed genome-wide. This comprehensive analysis revealed the genetic diversity and population structure of native cattle breeds. Native breeds show higher genetic diversity compared to commercial breeds. Especially the Native Southern Yellow cattle breed stands out as having the highest genetic diversity.
Conservation and Improvement: Investment in the Future
Research shows that national conservation programs play a critical role in preserving genetic diversity. These programs aim to protect both the economic and environmental adaptation abilities of native cattle breeds. Supporting genetic conservation programs will ensure the sustainability of this valuable genetic heritage.
The preservation of our native cattle breeds is of great importance for the continuity of genetic diversity and the balance of local ecosystems. The preservation of these breeds supports the economic independence and cultural identity of local communities, while also forming a fundamental part of national and international biodiversity strategies. The preservation of Turkey's native cattle breeds not only secures our genetic heritage, but also our cultural and economic future.
Study Link: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/age.13361